Thursday, December 22, 2011

Spotlight on Kara Martinelli and her book, My Very Dearest Anna

Kara (front left) w/ the crew of “The Restorers”at B-24 Bomber Fantasy Camp.
I have gotten to know and become friends with Kara Martinelli of Hemlock Films through  the Commemorative Air Force Minnesota Wing and the documentary that was done about our volunteers and the Doolittle Raiders Reunion.  

It wasn't long after we were introduced that we became friends. We both share a love of WWII Airplanes, history, and there is a special place in both our hearts for our Grandfathers. When I learned that Kara was writing a book about her Grandfather around the letters he and his wife wrote back and forth to each other during WWII, I knew I had to read it! Once I read it, I knew it had to be shared. As the WWII Veteran's around us slip away at alarming rates, we need books like My Very Dearest Anna to remind us of a different time and the Greatest Generation. 

I asked Kara to sit down and answer a couple questions, I hope you all enjoy!

Where are you from? 
I am from New Philadelphia, OH. My Grandparents lived there their whole lives. The only time they left was when Grandpa went into the service and my Grandma worked briefly at the Pentagon in DC.

What inspired you to start writing your book about your grandparents and their letters? 
My mom gave me Grandpa's letters not too long after he passed away, stating that I was the one who deserved to have them, since I was the one who spent all of my time with him talking about the war. I spent all my time with him when I was home from college and my visits home after I moved away, and we spent most of the time talking about that stuff. He tried to get me to read them a few times, since we had gone through his albums and scrapbooks and that was the only thing I hadn't looked at. But it didn't feel right, so I never read them.
Kara's Grandparents

I came across my grandparents letters after they both had passed away and had no idea they had such a romantic letter life! I found out they had written letters to each other when I was in college. I was 18, which was the same age that my Grandpa was when he began writing those letters, my Grandma was still in high school.  

So I had them in my possession for a few years before I even read them. And I really wanted to read them, but just couldn't. And I found myself forgetting little details of the time I spent with Grandpa and Grandma. So I thought I needed to get those memories down on paper, so I wouldn't forget them. Then I had the thought that all of us should have the letters, since my whole family was so close to my Grandparents. Originally, I was just going to photo copy all of them and give everyone copies. But the more I mentioned the project to people, the more responses of how they would like to read them as well. So, I decided to make it into a book.

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?
I never really had an interest in writing. I liked to write in my journal a lot, but that was about it. Though, being a filmmaker, I do tell stories through film and script writing. I had never thought about it translating into book form. And now that I've written one, I'm already thinking about the next one.

My passion for airplanes and history came from my Grandpa when I was in college and found out that he took part in WWII. I'm not sure why, but I was fascinated by it. So in that regard, my Grandpa was my influence to pursue those subjects and  to become a film maker. He was always recording movies for me as a kid and would let me use his camcorder. And we spent a lot of time watching Turner Classic Movies together.

Kara and her Grandfather
How long did it take you to write the book?
I started writing the book last summer in 2010. I actually started reading the letters and transcribed them then, and I ended up getting really busy with work, that I didn't get it finished in time for Christmas (which was my original goal), so I kinda slacked off on it for a while. Then I really got back into writing it again this year, and found time in July to really get working on it again. So I finished up in October with the draft, and was able to get the finished paperback to the printer in November.  
Do you think you will write additional books and what would they be about?
I have a few ideas for other books. I've found they are cheaper to make than movies :) So I may take some of those movie ideas and make books of them first. I think I'm going to write a fictional story set during the Women's Air Race next. Whenever I have the time.
Who designed the cover of your book?
I designed the cover. It took me a good while to put that together, since I was re-teaching myself photoshop. Adam helped a lot with those technical problems. I got his opinion on most of the design elements too. 
Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers? 
I hope they like the book! And I hope it helps them think about the time spent with your own families and perhaps inspires more people to investigate their own family history.
Where can people purchase the book?
It is available currently in paperback on in the website store. It is also available in ebook version through amazon at